The Science Behind the Invention

Cas Rekers working in his shop on the last changes on the RP3 just before he died in September 2010.
RP3 is the evolution of the original ROWPERFECT. Cas Rekers, the original inventor of the RowPerfect, developed the RP3. This next generation includes new features that make the RP3 Dynamic even more close to on the water feeling.
Good rowing is a pleasure and provides immense satisfaction. On the the RP3 Dynamic, rowing becomes a pleasure too. Similar to a racing shell, the RP3 is very sensitive to good coordination. Good technique is rewarded, poor technique becomes apparent and can be felt -therefore - can be corrected in an early stage. Because the RP3 gives you immediate feedback, it can be your coach.
By its patented mass-balanced design, the precise interplay between rower and boat, floating freely on the water is faithfully reproduced. The overall elasticity of the system by design matches the combined elasticity of oar, rigger, boat main shoulder and stretcher.
The RP3 rowing simulator has been designed to simulate as closely as possible a light racing shell in all its aspects. This also holds for the relation between Power generated, the weight of the rower, and the calculated virtual boat speed.
ROWING: Perfect coordination is a prime factor.
For many people, the main attraction in rowing is the permanent quest for the optimal combination of force, endurance and perfect coordination. Experience teaches that of these three factors, perfect coordination is the most difficult to train. It is therefore important that rowers should give at least the same attention to improving their coordination pattern as is given to improving strength and endurance. To fine-tune the coordination pattern during land based winter training it is essential that the equipment that is being used simulates the dynamic behaviour of a light racing shell, freely floating on the water, as closely as possible. The RP3 rowing simulator does this.
Immediate “bio-feedback” to the rower is essential for changing the coordination pattern. The force/length curves made on the RP3 dynamic rowing simulator coincide very well with similar curves made in the boat, and they give immediate bio-feedback to the rowers. This makes it an essential tool for improving technique and for synchronizing crews. The shape of this force/length curve depends on the technique, and gives a clear insight to the coordination between legs, back and arms during a stroke. This force/length curve, therefore, can be used to detect technical flaws, and to diagnose the causes.
Immediate bio-feedback is achieved by showing an “ideal” reference stroke profile as a template, together with each actual stroke profile. For each stroke the rower can see the difference between his actual stroke profile and the target. This makes the learning process very efficient, allowing the rower to much more rapidly acquire a technical improvement than by any other means, and then to automate it.
Read More About RP3
A Discussion of use of Fixed Rowing Ergometers (Ivan Hooper | M.Phty.St (Sports Phty), B.Sc (HMS))
Which rowing machine? Simulator or Ergometer (Jim Battersby | Australian Champion Sculler, Olympic and World Medalist rower)